Installation of PTF02009


Enhancement to UAT automatic copy of objects in the ACP(Acceptance) library to the user acceptance test libraries (UAT). The user now has the additional option of recovering the previous UAT version of an object (non-data) during backouts. This feature es especially useful for applications using qualified library names in the UAT environment. Additionally using *NONE as the library name, the user can choose whether to exclude copies to the UAT data or object libraries. This function may be used for replication of data objects in various UAT databases.  


After restoring the downloaded ptf software into the FENIX library, use the DSPPGM (Display Program) or DSPOBJAUT (Display Object Authority) command to identify the owner of the following programs in the system library (FENIXQQQ), where QQQ is the FENIX environment acronym. Delete or rename the programs:


  1. SCL172CL;
  2. SCL177CL;


Re-activate the system (option 1, F17 y F18).

The new versions of the programs will appear in library FENIXQQQ.


Change the ownership of the programs to what they previously were.


This PTF includes an enhancement to option 2 (Application Definition Maintenance) which provides for the maintenance of the UAT environment definition.


Once an application has been selected for maintenance via option 2, enter F14 to display the following screen:


SCL140             **** Test ABC System Environment ****               12/03/02

FENIX                User Acceptance Test Environment                  17:53:05

JAXWARD                                                              *Enquiry

Apl: HUMANR  Desc: Human Resources Application for ABC                        


UAT number:  1    Descr: UAT Now allows for LCase too                         


UAT Bib. Base de datos : *NONE          UAT Object Library       : UATHUM1    

Data *USE Authority    : QUSER          Object *USE Authority    : QPGMR   

Data Owner             : JSMITH         Object Owner             : LISA    

Data Authorisation List: HUDTAAUTL      Object Authorisation List: HUOBJAUTL


Data Auth. Ref. Object  :               Object Auth. Ref. Object  :

Data Auth. Ref. Obj.Type:               Object Auth. Ref. Obj.Type:

Data Auth. Ref. Library :               Object Auth. Ref. Library :


Copy data sources to UAT          : Y   Lib: UATDTASR1                        


Replace UAT data objects          : Y   Replace UAT objects           : R

Delete UAT backout data objects   : Y   Delete UAT backout objects    : Y

Delete UAT Accepted data objs(A-P): N   Delete UAT Accepted objects   : N


F3=Exit     F9=Add         F5=Change         F11=Delete             F12=Cancel

Definition of UAT environments


The new validation permits the following:


Exclusion of copy to data or object UAT Library

Enter *NONE in the data or object library to be excluded.


Recovery of precious UAT library version during Backout(not valid for data objects)

For the indicator 'Replace UAT Objects', enter 'R' to rename the previous version found in the UAT library for recovery at backout if required.


If 'R' is entered, the indicators immediately below (ie. Delete UAT backout objects and Delete UAT Accepted objects) will be forced to 'Y' and 'N' respectively.